The tip of the V as a turning point
Exposure time is slow
Us, is the act of doing things together
Upstairs: Glamorous | Downstairs: Tawdry | Margaret’s telling of Sunset Strippers
Vertical smile
Just one of the angers
The tone of her voice
Pure extension is death
“V” for victory
Vapid is vivid
Each use of the archive is a performance (via the records kept thereof)
Shape vs Being
The film studio
Sentient into the backspace
That archive stuff is dust traps under my bed
Hot thing
The workaround
Sunset strippers | Yonge Street | The sun setting on a scene
Try Leather as solo
Songs are clues
The person vs. the crowd
Squared dances
Documentation vs. art creation (videographer)
Vivid account
How it falls apart
A job you can do sitting
Radiating from the/a centre
Archive vs. Performance
Form of use
Scale play | Near … far
The anger came from the sadness
Yoné et al. – anti-narrative – decoration – illustration | Margaret – actually embracing stories
[Being in] Recovery | – recovering material / reclaim | – recovering from … let go
The vulnerable creative people are dying | precariousness
Dream Sequence
The objects / things | giving them time, space
The container
The kindest bravest thing
Intersections of cosmologies
Non-coincidental co-incidences
Meeting and being with
Male toxicity
Being silent vs. being silenced
The light is an active player
Speech act
Go where it hurts
Bodies as extracted resource | Resource extraction
Being complicit
Go where it empowers
The softer bits
No shame
Send texts to others to read on pcm recorder
walk(ing) and talk(ing)
Dust bunnies international
zoom meetings