Media tagged with: photography

Britta and William open FedEx box delivered to Margaret that day full of forgotten photos, clippings, posters, programmes from Toronto curator during Scotia Dance Centre rehearsal time 2020
PR strip shots nightclub windows & posters, Margaret's Marlene Dietrich & Bride characters; photographer Ric Amis
PR strip shots nightclub windows & posters, Margaret's Marlene Dietrich & Bride characters; photographer Ric Amis
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Margaret PR photo from Bride Act used by agents and strip clubs; photo Ric Amis
Margaret PR photo from Bride Act used by agents and strip clubs; photo Ric Amis
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PR shots newspapers, magazines; Colin Campbell & Margaret performance; re-do of Calvin Klein underward advertisement scandalous at the time
PR shots newspapers, magazines; Colin Campbell & Margaret performance; re-do of Calvin Klein underward advertisement scandalous at the time
Used in:
Britta Wirthmüller, Audio Description of Card 3